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Sandy +10, Thursday, November 8, 2012

Give me a hot cup of hell YEAH!
Had a cup of Joe (coffee) today.  Made at home with E-LEC-TRI-CI-TY!
Hot damn!

Last night I headed home, during the Nor'Easter, from the county EOC around Midnight as they were closing down.  The Nor'Easter turned out to be a non-event in our county.  Mostly snow and not much wind.

Got home around 1AM to find three to four inches of snow on my unplowed local street and driveway.  I pressed the garage door opener button and that magic man known as E-LEC-TRI-CI-TY started opening the garage door for me.  Then it stopped working while it was only one-third of the way open!  Huh?  After pressing the magic button a few more times I determined that the garage door did not want to open completely.  So I left it partially open.  Troubleshooting the door can wait until morning.

Next problem, the AWD vehicle could not completely make it up our steep driveway so I made sure she was off the road and left her where she had been merrily spinning her wheels moments before.
Several trips back and forth and the car was unloaded.  The garage door was secured and I was home to a warm house!

While going through the garage I noticed that the woodland GREEN camo netting that I ordered online a few days ago (before I was aware of the Nor'Easter) had arrived.  Just in time for the WHITE snow.  The netting was supposed to conceal the blue pop up over my red generator behind the house.  Due to the location of the generator area part of it is visible from part of the street.  The netting would have helped make it less obvious from the street.  Now everything is white!  A fat lot of good a woodland green pattern is going to due in a winter wonderland.  I might have to look in to white camo netting for winter events.

As fatigue started to cloud the mind, the disaster forced a tunnel vision focus upon me.  Many fun unnecessary things were pushed aside and only things related to immediate survival became a necessity.  All the other distractions of live, if they were available, became secondary to getting things done.  First taking care of me and the family, second getting out and helping the community, FUN is an optional luxury in a world where the support system has taken a dump. Creating a check-list helped to ensure mission critical actions were not forgotten.  So even when the fatigue creeps in to your body and mind you still can remember what needs to get done by checking your list.


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