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Sandy +11, Friday, November 9, 2012 - Back to work

Sandy + 11 (2012-11-09)

One of my daughters has a bad cold which has worked its way into her chest.  It has me half considering give her antibiotics.  Currently we are having her take a lot of vitamin C many times a day.  I have a variety of antibiotics for fish.  Based on my research these antibiotics are often the same as ones for humans.  If we were still in a grid down, services down situation, as was the case last week, I might be giving these to her.  At this point we will wait to decide whether to have a doctor check her condition.

I placed a variety of online orders for pens, notebooks and a radio today.  Good pens are important to me in that when I need to write a note down in a stressful situation the damn thing better work.  The pens were:
Other stuff ordered included:

NOTE:  Having a radio in a disaster is a luxury.  It's not going to save you, unless you need to go to a shelter and they are announcing where shelters are available.   You must be prepared before the disaster so that you don't need to go to a shelter.

It was my first day back in my office, which regained power Wednesday evening.  Some time was spent swapping storm storires with coworkers.
After work I went to Costco to stock up on commodities that were used during the event.  Batteries, canned food, Hotties, etc.

When I got home, I found that the cable TV system had been out earlier in the day and now the DSL internet service had stopped working.

Tomorrow we are all going to visit my mother-in-law on Long Island.  She lives along a pond at sea level and the bi-level's lower floor is a complete loss.  Adjusters/remediation people have been there and already gutted the lower level.  I'm going to set up their TV and PC, which had been downstairs, upstairs for the time being.  Additionally, there's only one gas station open in town and it has long gas lines.  Plus New York just started gas rationing today.  So we are bringing a can of gas to fill up the mother-in-laws car with.

I didn't sleep through the night and got up too early making plans for items that I needed to boost my future preparedness.  I've got to get some more rest tonight.

Tired prepper out.


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