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Sandy +15, Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - The end of gas rationing

Gas rationing ended, in New Jersey, at 6AM this morning. 

I took the car in to a local repair shop this morning in the hopes that they could safely remove the other bolts that used to be attaching the heat shield to the car.  Currently the shield is just stuck on by gravity holding it down on the exhaust system.  They called to say that the bolts were sheared off.  OH JOY!
They couldn't do the repair.  I may try to take it to the dealer in the future.  In the meantime I need to decide whether to leave or remove the loose heat shield and deal with the consequences.

Last week, on Friday, some repairs were being done to one of the recently replaced telephone poles.  The cable service was up then down then up again.  In the end our land line (DSL) internet stopped working.  We've been without internet access at home since Friday.  Luckily I am able to get some service through my 3g smartphone but the speed at my house is close to the speed of an old 56kbps baud modem so it's quite painful to access the internet on the phone from home.  The phone company was spotted looking at the telephone pole in question yesterday and is scheduled to come to our house to examine the issue today.  We shall see how that works out.


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