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Sandy +16, Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My wife reached out to an chimney sweep company which sells and installs wood stoves.  The quote that we got to get a wood stove installed in our rental house was $3,000.  We both thought that something in the $1,500 dollar range would be acceptable.  Especially considering that our landlord said that he might be able to supply us with wood for free from his landscaping business.  But for $3,000 and considering we would probably leave the stove behind due to the cost of moving it and not knowing how long we plan on staying in the rental it seems like spending this kind of money might not be economical for us.

So that leaves open question, how do we stay warm in a future grid down situation when the only means of heating our house is based on it receiving electricity to heat the water used to circulate through the base boards of the house to warm the air?  Our current generator does not produce 240 volt electricity, which I believe is needed to power our water heating system.  It seems the best fit is to get a new generator with 240 volt output and wire the houses heating system to run off the generator in emergencies.


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