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Sandy +21, Monday, November 19, 2012 - REPAIRS

Over the weekend, I got under my car and fixed the damaged heat shield/exhaust system cover by using washers on both sides of the shield to support the holes which had been torn out leaving nowhere for the bolts to hold it.  The fix is holding up so far.  The part had been hit with some road debris after the hurricane and had torn loose from the bolts that had been supporting it.  Luckily, the way it is installed, it cannot fall off completely.  But it did rattle quite a bit and alarmed me until I found out what was causing the noise.

Another item that I took care of was changing the oil on our generator, tightening the bolts and cleaning the air filter out.  Plus adding fuel stabilizer to the fuel in the generator to keep it in ready condition for out next outage.  I am not sure that I solved the leaky oil condition on the generator and hope that tightening up the bolts helped.

Also, over the weekend, my son and I went over all the recently used batteries, with a battery tester. They had been used in our lanterns, flashlights and radios during the Superstorm Sandy event.  We also measured the battery strength on a brand new pack of Duracell D batteries that expire in 2015.  One of the batteries was completely dead.  It had zero voltage.  I've never seen one with no voltage at all before.

Yesterday, we spotted a line crew reeling in a downed line in our neighborhood that had been down since a tree took out the power pole that the line and others had been on.  The wife rolled down her window and thanked them as we drove by.

Last night my personal To Do App (Any.DO) on my phone crapped out.  I lost all my reminders that I had stored in it.  Now I'm going back to the old school pen and paper way of tracking my To Do list.  That's not entirely a bad thing as I've taken to keeping pen and paper around at all times whereas I used to rely on my smartphone for note taking.
This morning the wife spotted repair crews from out phone company/DSL interenet provider in the neighborhood.  She talked to the crew and found out that they are working on repairing the connections in our neighborhood.  Let's hope they can finish up today.  Trickling internet through my slow and unreliable Verizon Wireless 3G connection on my phone while at home sucks.  The 3G/4G service is good nearly everywhere I go except in my neighborhood.

As of the late afternoon our DSL internet service has been restored!!!

When I got home today I found that I had received a shipment of Heater Meals EX which I had bought on eBay a week or so ago.  These are meal entrees that provide their own method of self heating so you can have a hot meal anywhere you happen to be.  Don't underestimate the morale boost that a hot meal can have in an emergency situation.  I've got twelve morale boosting meals in this shipment.  Brand new Heat Meals EX packs can last up to five years in storage without being refrigerated.

Check Heater Meals out at:


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