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Sandy +5, Saturday, November 3, 2012

This morning we could all see our breathe in the house.  It was a cool 53 degrees while outside it was 36.  We are expecting low temperatures down to about 23 in the coming days.  So off to the mall we went.  The cost was one gallon of gas.

As gas rationing started today, gas lines have grown.  The police presence has grown at the gas stations and they are now doing traffic control in the lines.
I unintentionally ended up in a gas line without knowing it today.  I was going to make a right turn and eventually discovered that the unmoving mass of cars in front of me was a line for gas going around the corner to an unseen gas station.  One picture of one of the three gas lines I saw today is attached.  As far as how the rationing works, it is based on your license plate.  I am allowed to get in line to fill up my cars on odd numbered days.  It's lucky for me that I was able to fill up the car and gas cans yesterday.

Read the news about growing gas lines here:

NJ gas lines growing as odd/even ration takes effect.

A possible Nor'Easter may be coming next week.  That is adding insult to injury.  A hurricane followed by a Nor'Easter.  Whee!

You can view before and after pictures of areas affected by the super storm here:

On the radio today I heard a report that the highest wind gusts recorded for the storm were in my county (Sussex).  They reached 100 miles per hour.
Going around the town there are areas that were hit with straight line winds were many trees are knocked down or snapped all in the same direction.

Meanwhile this evening we went Trunk or Treating at a church that was hosting a trick or treat alternative for the kids going from car trunk to trunk in the church parking lot.  Each car was decorated like you might decorate a house for Halloween (which has been officially rescheduled, in New Jersey, to Monday).  See the attached picture.  This cost us one gallon of gas too.  So for the day we burned two gallons.

 A problem that I have been dealing with since returning home from the county EOC is the wife's handling of the events.  The temperature in the house has been in the low fifties, since power went out five days ago.
The wife gets cabin fever under normal circumstances.  But combining her normal cabin fever with the kids being home all the time, due to schools being closed, no power, except for the generator powering small devices and our fridge, no heat, no hot water, no TV, etc.   It's a formula for PSWMS (Post Storm Wife Madness Syndrome).

Note to self:  Train up the wife so she can handle tough situations like this grid down event.

Lesson for the day:  Heat is important when it gets to near freezing temperatures.


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