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Coronavirus COVID-19 Update for 4/2/2020 - The Wave is Impacting NJ and NY

The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 204 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances: the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan, and the Holland America's MS Zaandam cruise ship. 

In the USA there are 245,066 confirmed cases.
6,075 deaths.

The FDA has approved a blood test that will determine whether a person has been infected by COVID-19, the agency said Thursday morning.

“We’re going to announce today, our first approval of a serology test that will, in laboratories, allow the labs to determine exposure in the antibodies,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn said on CBS News Radio.

These serology tests can effectively identify past coronavirus infections, but are less successful at identifying recent ones, CNN reported.

The authorized test, from manufacturer Cellex Inc., requires blood to be collected through a vein and can only be performed in a certified lab, according to the report.

As the coronavirus stretches New York City emergency rooms and paramedics to their limits, a regional EMT group has issued new guidelines almost unthinkable even days ago -- if someone's in cardiac arrest and you can't revive them in the field, don't bring them to the emergency room.

The newly implemented order that takes effect Thursday was implemented in an effort to control the surge of patients in hospitals due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.
Fineberg told CNN that he will wear start wearing a mask when he goes to the grocery store.

The novel coronavirus outbreak in New York City has taken a major toll on workers in health care, mass transit, and public safety, including the New York City Police Department.

The department reported on Tuesday that 1,048 uniformed members and 145 civilian employees have tested positive for the coronavirus. More than 5,600 officers (about 15.6% of its uniformed workforce) were out sick on Tuesday—more cops than serve in the entire Houston Police Department.

The NYPD, with more than 36,000 sworn members, is the largest police department, by far, in the United States. 

In the past week, five members of the department, including a detective assigned to a Harlem precinct, a Queens school safety agent, two administrative aides, and a custodian have died of COVID-19-related causes.

MILAN—In the town of Coccaglio, an hour’s drive east of here, the local nursing home lost over a third of its residents in March. None of the 24 people who died there were tested for the new coronavirus. Nor were the 38 people who died in another nursing home in the nearby town of Lodi.

These aren’t isolated incidents. Italy’s official death toll from the virus stands at 13,155, the most of any country in the world. But that number tells only part of the story because many people who die from the virus don’t make it to the hospital and are never tested.

In the areas worst hit by the pandemic, Italy is undercounting thousands of deaths caused by the virus, a Wall Street Journal analysis shows, indicating that the pandemic’s human toll may end up being much greater, and infections far more widespread, than official data indicate.


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